I want to be ONE WITH YOU
Oh! God, Father/Mother, creator and creature of all that is, I come in this moment of internal chaos to invoke your support, protection and love, to help me pass through this sea of turbulent waters.
Oh! God, Father/Mother, creator and creature of all that is, it is all so complex and so simple at the same time... I know that I need to calm my thoughts and my heart... there is a lot going on inside me and outside of me, many challenges. But knowing today that deep down I have no control of things, I ask for discernment to let go of what needs to go in these moments of great evolutionary changes...
I want to be like water that always finds the most fluid path; I want to be like fire that burns in a mesmerizing dance, transmuting everything that needs to be transmuted; I want to be like earth, which is a fertile womb of new realities, which knows how to deal with dark and light, which contains within it Hades itself in its depths, from where viable possibilities of materialization emerge and germinate, and they happen all the time; I want to be like air, so light, invisible and necessary for the next life’s breath ; I want to be like ether of the unmanifested world...
I want to be ONE WITH YOU consciously, because while my consciousness is dissociated from You, I feel lost like a boat adrift, a lost flame, a weak root, a lonely feather, a wandering spirit and soul.
What I decree at this moment is the recognition that I am indeed an E.T. on earth, that I am committed to my mission of reuniting myself, body-mind-soul, and practicing this union with the WHOLE, at every moment. Allowing my light to shine brighter and brighter!
At this moment I decree to be a boat with a course, a flame in the fire, a lush and nourishing root, a feather flying with birds of the same plumage, a spirit and soul complete in itself.
Knowing that I am your work, within all creation, I praise, thank and revere the opportunity to become a masterpiece by my own hands.
Oh! Father/Mother God of all that is, Nature has taught me so much, today Nature is my religion, I see you in the small and great things of creation. We truly are infinite, just as You dreamed us.
May I be my best version today, in the face of what the day brings to me, channeling your love and your light.
And so it is.
Amen, amen, amen,
It is done.
01/16/2025 - 2:00 PM - (13 Jan 25 Full Moon), Barueri, SP, Brazil - code 20250116 CW11